Brugsanvisning Braun SI 8512 ProStyle Strygejern

Har du brug for en brugsanvisning til din Braun SI 8512 ProStyle Strygejern? Nedenfor kan du se og downloade PDF-brugsanvisningen gratis på Dansk. Dette produkt har i øjeblikket 6 ofte stillede spørgsmål, 0 kommentarer og har 3 stemmer med en gennemsnitlig produktvurdering på 67/100. Hvis dette ikke er den brugsanvisning, du ønsker, bedes du kontakte os.

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Our products are engineered to meet the
highest standards of quality, funtionality and
design. We hope you enjoy your new Braun
steam iron.
Remove the label, if any, from the sole
plate before first use.
Important Safeguards
Before using the iron, read the use
instructions completely. Keep the use
instructions during the entire life of the iron.
Make sure your voltage corresponds to the
voltage printed on the iron. Connect the iron
to alternating current only.
Always unplug the iron before filling with
water. Always pull the plug, not the cord.
The cord should never come in contact with
the hot objects or the sole plate.
Never immerse the iron in water or other
During ironing pauses, always place the
iron upright on its heel rest. Unplug it when
leaving the room, even if only for a short
Keep the iron away from children,
especially when using the «jet» function.
Electric irons combine high temperatures
and hot steam that could lead to burns.
Never iron or dampen clothes while wearing
Check the cord regularly for possible
If the appliance (including cord) shows any
defect, stop using it and take it to a Braun
Service Centre for repair.
Faulty or unqualified repair work many
cause accidents or injury to the user.
Braun electric appliances meet applicable
safety standards.
A Description
1 «jet» of steam openings
2 Water tank opening
3 Spray nozzle
4 Power shot button
5 2-function button: spray/«jet» of steam
6 Steam regulator
7 Extra steam button
8 Pilot light
9 Temperature selector
B Before starting off
This iron is designed for tap water. If you
have extremely hard water, we recommend
to use a mixtur of 50 % tap water and 50 %
distilled water. Fill the water tank to «max»
marking. Never use distilled water
exclusively. Do not add any additives (e.g.
Keep the iron in the upright position and
connect it to the mains. Select the
temperature according to the ironing guide
on the heel rest of the iron or on the label in
your garments.
The pilot light goes off when the desired
temperature is reached (after approx.
1 ó min.).
C Ironing
Vario steam
You can increase and reduce the quantity of
steam by turning the steam regulator. The
steam regulator and
the temperature
selector have to be set within the red range
While ironing, do not turn the steam
regulator beyond the red range. For extra
steam, power shot and «jet» of steam, the
temperature selector must be set within the
continuous red range. These functions can
even be activated when dry ironing.
Extra steam
Press the extra steam button (7) for max.
3 seconds, but not more often than 4 times
per minute.
Power shot
Press the power shot button (4) in intervals
of at least 5 seconds.
Frontal «jet» of steam
Turn the 2-function button (5) to «jet» as far
as it will go, then press it in intervals of min.
5 seconds.
Spray function
Turn the 2-function button (5) to the
symbol and press.
Dry ironing
Set the steam regulator on position «0»
(= steam off).
Prior to ironing, press the power
shot and «jet» buttons 3 to 4 times to
activate them. These functions can be used
for steaming hanging clothes.
D After ironing
Unplug the iron. To prolong the life of the iron,
empty the water tank. Store the cool iron in a
dry place always standing on its heel rest.
E Maintenance and cleaning
To clean the sole plate, use steel wool. Never
use a scouring pad, vinegar or other chemicals.
F Cleaning the anticalc valve
The anticalc valve on the steam regulator
has to be decalcified regularly (e.g. when-
ever steam development is insufficient).
For this, the water tank has to be empty
Removing the steam regulator with the
anticalc valve
Turn the steam regulator clockwise to the
double arrow at the end of the anticalc
section and it will lift. Pull it out vertically.
Do not touch the anticalc valve at its lower
end. Immerse the anticalc valve in vinegar
(not vinegar essence) or lemon juice for
minimum 30 minutes. Brush off remaining
residues and rinse under running water
(fig. F 1-5).
Re-inserting the steam regulator
To re-insert the steam regulator follow fig.
6 and 7.
The iron must not be used without
the steam regulator.
G Decalcifying/anticalc system
In order to clean the steam chamber from
residues, decalcify it as shown in fig.
G 1-11.
Hot water and steam will come
out from the sole plate when the steam
regulator is turned clockwise into the
anticalc area.
Wait for the sole plate to cool down, then
clean it as described above.
Then refill the tank with water, heat up the
iron and press the power shot button 4
times to rinse the iron before ironing
(G 12-13).
Do not use commercial decalcifiers, they
may damage the iron.
H Trouble-shooting guide
Subject to change without notice.
This product conforms to the EMC-
Requirements as laid down by the
Council Directive 89/336/EEC and to
the Low Voltage Regulation (73/23
Problem Remedy
Drops coming
out of the steam
Turn the steam
regulator anti-clock-
wise to reduce the
steam or turn it off.
Take longer intervals
when pressing the
«jet», power shot or
extra steam button.
«jet» of steam does
not function
Press the «jet» button
several times.
Less steam
develops or no
steam at all
Check water level.
Clean the anticalc
Calcium particles
coming through the
steam vents
Decalcify the steam
SI8570_MN Seite 4 Montag, 10. Juni 2002 1:11 13
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Vi forstår, at det er rart at have en papirbrugsanvisning til din Braun SI 8512 ProStyle Strygejern. Du kan altid downloade brugsanvisningen fra vores hjemmeside og selv printe den. Hvis du gerne vil have en original brugsanvisning, anbefaler vi, at du kontakter Braun. De kan muligvis levere en original brugsanvisning. Leder du efter brugsanvisningen til din Braun SI 8512 ProStyle Strygejern på et andet sprog? Vælg dit foretrukne sprog på vores hjemmeside, og søg efter modelnummeret for at se, om vi har det tilgængeligt.


Mærke Braun
Model SI 8512 ProStyle
Kategori Strygejern
Filtype PDF
Filstørrelse 0.86 MB

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Ofte stillede spørgsmål om Braun SI 8512 ProStyle Strygejern

Vores support-team søger efter nyttige produktoplysninger og svar på ofte stillede spørgsmål. Hvis du finder urigtigheder i vores ofte stillede spørgsmål, må du meget gerne lade os det vide ved at bruge vores kontaktformular.

Kan jeg rengøre bunden af ​​mit jern med en skuremaskine? Verificeret

Nej, dette kan beskadige bunden. Brug en fugtig klud eller en blød svamp til at rengøre den.

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Hvad er forskellen mellem et dampstrygejern og et almindeligt strygejern? Verificeret

Den største fordel ved et dampstrygejern er, at det lettere fjerner rynker på grund af brugen af ​​damp. Et almindeligt jern er tværtimod meget lettere og ofte billigere.

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Er der noget PBA i den plastik der anvendes til Braun produkter? Verificeret

Braun angiver at alle produkter er frie for BPA i de dele af produktet, som kan komme i kontakt med mad.

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Sålen på mit jern er misfarvet, kan jeg stadig stryge med det? Verificeret

Det er muligt, men der er en chance for, at det smitter af på lys tøj.

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Kan jeg stryge over knapper? Verificeret

Nej, dette vil skade strygesålen, og det forhindrer strygejernet i at fungere korrekt. Stryg aldrig over knapper, lynlåse eller andre hårde genstande.

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Kan jeg bruge destilleret vand i mit Braun-jern? Verificeret

Nej. Destilleret vand kan føre til skader på strygejernet og nedsat funktionalitet.

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Brugsanvisning Braun SI 8512 ProStyle Strygejern

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